Hello, my name is Shawn. Owner of Brave New Design. Drummer for Ida Jane & The Weekend Gardeners. Here I post about my thoughts and experiences. I'm particularly interested in staying hydrated and songwriting, but you'll find all sorts of things on this blog. Enjoy!
After recently receiving beta access to OpenAi's new Codex engine. I created Balloons! A fully functional clicker game generated with OpenAI's Codex engine.
I feel like a lot of my life is directed by fear. I want to share my thoughts and experiences with no fear. This medium seems like a good way to do just that...
Where do I see myself in the tech world? How my upbringing forced tech on me. How my personality makes me feel lost in tech.
The More You Know The Less You Resent. I take a shallow dive into the positives and negatives of the resentment that shapes my personal life.